Dancer/Visionary Special Foil Edition #1
Monday, 19-Jun-2000 10:01:12 writes:

Dancer/Visionary Special Foil Edition #1

[The Scene: Cheryl’s latest Lair Legion PR exercise, the Visionary Roast. This is not a new form of torture involving a spit and red hot rectum spikes. It is worse than that. It is a civic banquet to honour the achievements of Lair Legion chairpossible-fakeman, Visionary]

Finny, Enty, Tina, Donar, Freyda, Banjoooo, Elyse, Lisa, Exile, Valeria, G-Eyed, Hatty, Sorceress, CSFB!, Yo, Trickshot, Troia, ManMan, spiffy, Xander, Mumphrey, etc, making small talk: Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb.

Visionary: Oh this is terrible! Where did I put my speech?

Cheryl: The one announcing your resignation? Lisa shredded it. Here is one for you to give thanking everybody for all the nice things they say about you [hands Vizh a slim folder]. And here are a list of excuses if people start blaming us for stuff. [hands Vizh several phone-directory sized volumes].

Visionary: I can’t go out there! Oh this is terrible!

Mr Papadopopolos, catering the affair: What? You not like the taramasalata? You not like the zoulaka? Sarah! Sarah!

Visionary: No, no Mr Papadop… Poradapop… Mr P, the food is fine, honest!

Sarah Shepherdson (disguised by having her hair brushed differently; improbable as this sounds this disguise works fine given Dancer’s powers): What’s the matter, Mr P? I already mopped up the mess spiffy’s Hounddog made, and I covered Space Ghost with some strategic napkins when he passed out, and I replaced that soufflé that Dr Moo was cackling over, and I pointed out to Lisa that her dress had slipped but that wasn’t an accident apparently, and I got a bucket of ice water ready behind Hatman and Sorceress, and I moved Xander’s place setting over to the fire exit like he wanted, and I made sure that it really was jelly not the Manga Shoggoth, and I hid all the rabbit vol-au-vents as soon as Yo arrived and I made sure the Scourge was seated at a different table to the LL, and I pulled Paste Pot Pete loose from the police commissioner’s wife, and I staunched the spear wound of that waiter who looked at Troia a bit funny.

Visionary: It’s nothing really. Um, where did you say the fire exit was?

Sarah: You must be very proud on your big night, Mr Visionary. I understand that there was no end of people wanted to stand up and talk about your accomplishments.

Cheryl: Fortunately we sent them fake invites to the wrong address.

Sarah: It’s going to be a wonderful evening! Nearly all the superheroes of the Parodyverse have been invited. [* gulps a little *] Nearly all.

Visionary: It is horrible. I resigned dammit! They all want a piece of me. And I’m not fake either.

Sarah: You… you don’t want to be here at this wonderful occasion with all of your friends and lots of people who want to kill you in a professional capacity? But… some people would love to have been invited… but w-weren’t. Excuse me [Flees to kitchen]

Cheryl: Sit down here, dear. It’s time for the first speech. I think it’s Baron Zemo with "Why it’s so much easier being a villain now Jarvis isn’t in charge of the LL".

[Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Sarah sits amongst the cinders and sobs because nobody invited Dancer to the party]

Yo: Hello, cuting waitress-Sarah. What is to be being the mattering? Is to be leaking from eyes not good, Yo thinks!

Sarah: * sniff * I’m alright. I’m not crying. I d-didn’t want to go to Vizh’s roast anyway.

Yo: Yo is thinking you are in fact wanting to be going to Visi-friend’s roast. Yo is thinking you are wishing you were cute-superheroine instead of cute-waitress at Bean and Donut Coffee Bar for one evening until midnighting, yes?

Sarah: Er… perhaps…

Yo: Then you shall be to be going to the ball! Yo is closing eyes and thinking to be changing your outfit into being superhero suitings.

[Sarah, not wishing to disappoint the innocent pure thought being, changes into her Dancer outfit while Yo has his/her eyes screwed tight shut with concentration]

Yo: Is worked! Yo is to be making you into cute Dancer superheroine for one evening to be till midnight. Not forget to be back or turn to pumpkin!

Dancer: But I wasn’t invited.

Yo: Yo is thinking Lair Legion is not to be having cute Dancer’s address, pager, or e-mail address.

Dancer: Oh. That’s right. Secret identity and all that. Hmm.

Yo: Now Yo and temporary Dancer Sarah must be to getting back. Is good bit where Enty revives Visi after Donar pat him on back and Troia sing Ode to Visionary and then Lisa present awards and presents to be to Yo’s best friend. After tribute speech from Fleabot while Finny and Banjooo restrain Asil.

Dancer: I am so happy to be a part of it! It seems to be going really well. Er… where is Visionary?

[To be continued by a possibly fake writer]


Visionary awoke in a dark, damp, confined space that smelled vaguely of Falafel. Despite the rather painful bump behind his left ear, he was pleasantly surprised. More often than not, when a person wakes up after decidedly not having gone to sleep, they are greeted with far worse. Yes, he was flat on his face in what appeared to be the back of a somewhat damp catering truck, but at least there was no one around to stick a gun in his face. For that matter, he wasn't even tied up. All this was actually quite considerate of the guy who cold-cocked him.

The L.L. leader sat up with the practiced slow motions of someone who received a lot of blows to the head and checked his watch. An hour had gone past since he last remembered! Visionary grinned happily (although his left eyelid fluttered in pain from the effort). With luck, not only had the bad guy already been subdued, but he had most likely missed the roast altogether! He was ecstatic… As far as he was concerned, his various teammates had far too much material to make roasting him very sporting… although he did have to admit to being amused when spiffy finished his speech and was suddenly set upon by Asil. He winced in memory of the resulting attempt to 'weed' spiffy, and the discovery of just how extensive his fern's root system really was. In fact, he had been on his way to gather up some Bactine and Miracle-Grow when his mysterious assailant had struck.

It wasn't until his memory of the events came full circle that it occurred to Visionary that, with now two full inches of water on the floor, the caterer's truck was perhaps excessively damp. (Despite the various cracks that had been made about him at the roast, one should keep in mind that even relatively mild head trauma can interfere with the keenest mind, and Visionary did not have the benefit of either of those extremes.) With a lurch, he staggered to the fogged-over back windows of the truck and hurriedly wiped them clear with his sleeve.

"Aw, crap" he complained to the common Parodiopolis Bay bottom-feeding mucksucker bass that peered back at him.

Now he was only mildly glad he had missed the roast.


Dancer weighed the options, and decided to go straight to the First Lady of the Lair Legion. She sensed an impending crisis… being attuned to probabilities gave her strong instincts, and right now she felt the odds were that something unpleasant was about to hit the fan. "Lisa!" she cried, spotting the lawyer off to the side of the proceedings. "I think something's come up!"

Lisa looked up from her clipboard and smiled at the sight of Parodiopolis's newest heroine. "Heya Dancer… glad you could make it. Be with you in just one minute" she added, glancing down at her notes again. "Troia!" she called out to the Amazonian secretary. "You're up next after Zemo concludes his remarks about trampling the woefully directionless, undisciplined, pathetic, Visionary-lead Legion, leaving the world ripe for his bloody conquest." She made a face. "That might be a bit of a downer, so try to start with a joke."

"I've never roasted anyone before" Troia admitted, coming over. "Well, actually that's not true. There were the occasional castaways that washed up on the shores of my island when I was growing up. The whole 'anti-man' stance was a bit more militant in those days…" She smiled briefly at memories of good times past. "Um… anyway… what am I supposed to say?"

Lisa shrugged. "Well, you could go the kind route and heap glowing praise on him…" she suggested. "Or you could take the fun route and mock, humiliate and ridicule him in front of the most important people in the city. During a roast, that's called 'gently poking fun at his foibles'."

"I once paid a hooker to poke my foibles…" Space Ghost slurred from under the open bar. "Well, actually, it was Connie Chung… but it was the best three dollars I ever spent…" He belched. "That Maury Povich is a lucky man."

It didn't take Troia long to decide on a course of action… After all, they were talking about the man who insisted that she keep her lunch hour down to a sparse 240 minutes. "So which foibles do I poke?" she asked, hefting her obsidian tipped spear.

Lisa bit her lip thoughtfully. "Well, there's his intelligence, but there are only so many ways to say 'severe mental handicap'. Then there's the whole 'fake man' angle, but he doesn't even acknowledge those jokes any more, so the fun has kind of gone out of them. Even excluding those, however, you have a wide selection: His taste in fashion, his taste in music, his general appearance, his pathetic need for approval, his whiny insecurity, the way he keeps telling the same damn stories over and over again no matter how many times we've all heard them…"

"I hate to interrupt…" Dancer interceded truthfully. It was especially true now that she wasn't sure whether she bore good news or bad. "But the guest of honor seems to be missing."

"What?" Lisa asked, scanning the crowd. "Damn! I told Cheryl she ought to have one of those tracking tags attached to his ear like we saw on 'Animal Planet'…" She sighed and brushed her hands together. "I summon Visionary… consider yourself served!"

Dancer felt an odd tug at the corner of her mind, then there was a gentle *poof*, and suddenly Bill Gates was sitting before them eating a bran muffin.

"Eew" Lisa, a noted Apple user, declared. "Wrong visionary."

"Um… is this about the appeal?" Gates asked nervously. "You know, those anti-trust laws can be interpreted in many ways…"

"Shut up, nerd-boy" Lisa snapped, waving him off. "I summon Visionary, dammit!"

Another tug, another poof, and a very dead Buckminster Fuller collapsed in a boney heap into the melitzanosalata.
"That's probably a health-code violation of some sort" Space Ghost noted.

"What the hell's going on here?" Lisa pondered darkly as the assorted guests began to avoid their end of the buffet table.

Dancer scanned the room, searching out the source of the odd tugs she was feeling. Surprisingly, she found it in the corner wearing a white ten gallon hat. Leaving the more experienced Lisa to dispose of the body, she crossed the floor to stand in front of his table. "Carlsbad Carl, the Albino Probability Cowboy… I should have known it was you."

"Why, Miss Dancer, I do declare…" the pasty man in chaps replied in an oily, albeit twangy, voice. "I was bettin' you'd show up at this shindig… and as you know, I'm a gamblin' man."

Dancer sighed. It looked like she would be working at this party after all. "Yes, Carl, I know." She pulled out a chair and sat down opposite him. "So how did your mother's gall stone operation go?"

"Hmmm? Oh! Heck, she was back on her feet quicker than a rattlesnake shakes its tail" he answered, turning his head in search of a spittoon. Finding none, he made do with the nearest potted fern, which was actually the back oc spiffy's head. "She really appreciated the flowers, by the way."

"And Lucille?"

He made a face. "Still gougin' me for alimony… even with that big show a hers at Caesar's."

Dancer shrugged. "Should have kept your hands off the Keno girls."

"Yeah… pushed my luck, I suppose" he nodded. "Reckon, that's why I'm here."

"I'm supposed to be a pumpkin by midnight, so let's get to it… What's it to be this time Carl?" she asked pleasantly, although she already could guess the terms.

"One hand" he replied, producing a deck of cards. "You win, you git that Visionary fella… I win, I git to add your powers to my own."

Hardly fair, she noted, seeing as she personally had no use for Visionary. Still, being a hero meant the occasional raw deal to protect the helpless. "One thing Carl…" she asked curiously as she cut the deck. "What's to keep the Legionnaires from slapping you silly with your own huge belt buckle until you cooperate?"

"Oh…" the pale cowboy answered as he prepared to deal the cards, "Odds are somethin' will come up."


"Bad Sea-Snake! Bad!" Banjooo, the King of the Sea Monkeys, declared as he whapped the gigantic serpent across the nose with a rolled up newspaper. Even though it was the Sunday edition, the sea-monster didn't seem to notice much… it continued to squeeze the oil tanker within its coils. "He's not paying any attention" he said apologetically to his teammates.

"Can't you telepathically talk to fish or something?" spiffy asked acidly as his fern tried to pry the massive coils off of the deck of the tanker. "I thought that's what undersea kings did with their time."

"Hey, does the leader of Canada telepathically talk to moose?" Banjooo bit back.

"Well… it would explain a lot of our social programs…" Hatman admitted as he put on his Seattle Supersonics hat. Running fast enough to walk on water, he sped in a tight circle around the leaking tanker, creating a whirlpool that kept the crude oil from dispersing too far out into the bay.

"What's taking Finny, anyway?" spiffy grunted as his fern exerted itself.

"He had to tow that foundering tour boat to safety, and the rest are escorting people out of danger" NTU pointed out while he worked to seal the widening cracks in the tanker's hull. "I thought Banjooo could handle the snake… We're going to have to try something else to soothe the creature."

spiffy snorted. "Hell, why don't we just sing to it."

NTU nodded. "Good plan. My readings indicate something by Barry Manilow would work best."

"Um… actually, I was just…"

"You should probably get up closer to his head, though…" NTU suggested helpfully before powering up his boot thrusters and rocketing skyward to join Banjooo. "Any luck?" he asked.

Banjooo looked embarrassed. "He's almost never like this… honest" he proclaimed.

"How'd it get into Parodiopolis Bay, anyway?" NTU asked as he watched spiffy lash himself to the snakes head ala Gregory Peck in Moby Dick, but with fronds instead of harpoon cables.

"I guess he followed me to work… I must have forgotten to latch the gate when I left this morning" the Sea Monkey admitted. "Um… what's spiffy doing?"

NTU adjusted his audio sensors. "He seems to be serenading the creature with 'I Write the Songs'" the Legionnaire responded calmly.

Banjooo nodded. "Does he realize that giant sea snakes don't have ears?"

The armored man shrugged. "I just figured it would keep him from making smarmy comments for a while."

Banjooo cast the man an admiring look. "And you wondered if you'd make a good substitute leader…"

Dancer glanced to her five cards, all still face down, and flicked the last card away. "I'll take one."

Carl nodded and shot a single card off the top of the deck to line up next to her remaining four, then turned to his own hand. "Two for me darlin" he said as he discarded and redrew, but left his new cards face down on the table. A smile came to his thin pink lips. "Three aces" he announced, laying his remaining cards down with a flourish, "So far." He leaned back, licked his gums and tapped his fingers on the two unturned cards.

Dancer nodded and began revealing her cards from left to right. "Ten of hearts, jack of hearts, queen of hearts, king of hearts…" she noted, resting her hand on the last card. "It seems the ace of hearts is still at large." She shot him a bright smile. "Care to raise the stakes?"

"Hell, woman… I like you!" Carl grinned. "You're the only one left that can give me a run fer my money. Whatcha have in mind?"

"If I win, you give back Visionary and turn yourself in to the authorities" Dancer suggested brightly.

The albino cowboy chuckled. "I still got two chances to draw that ace of yers, missy… I'll take that bet… provided you offer up somethin' new as well." He eyed her lasciviously.

"You're not that lucky, Carl."

"Care to find out?" he shot back.

Dancer chewed her lip, but finally nodded. She bet that the Dark Knight had never had to make a bust this way…

With flair, Carlsbad Carl flipped the first of his hole cards. His face fell. "Seven of clubs" he spat.

"Nervous?" she asked, feeling a bit more cocky.

Carl ignored her. Instead, he tugged his left ear twice, closed his eyes and rubbed his belt buckle, chanting "Common' baby… common' baby". (At least, she hoped it was his belt buckle he was rubbing…) Finally, he opened his eyes and flipped his final card…

The ace of hearts.

"YeeeeeeeeeEEEEE-HAW!" he screamed, throwing his hat up in the air. He peered at her through the stringy white hair that fell down in front of his eyes. "You'll have ta let me know what you want fer breakfast, Missy…" he drawled. "You should have known better to shoot for a royal flush against the luckiest man on earth!"

"Well, see… that's the thing…" Dancer replied softly as she flipped over her last card… the nine of hearts. "I'm not really that ambitious."

"So… wait…" Visionary said as he toweled himself off. "Any straight flush beats four of a kind? Are you sure?"

"Now you are knowing why Cheryl is not letting you join in on Lair poker nights" Yo suggested happily as he picked bits of waterlogged gyro platter out of his leader's hair.

"So what happened to this Carlsbad Carl character?" Lisa asked.

Yo turned to mild mannered waitress Sarah Shepherdson.

"Um… I heard he kept his end of the bargain and turned himself in." She supplied helpfully. "Say what you want about Albino Probability Cowboys, but they don't welch on bets." She looked at the rather waterlogged LL leader. "Where did they finally find you?"

The supposed hero managed to look embarrassed. "Um, well, the catering truck was…ah… spit up by a giant sea-snake. Apparently, they have great senses of smell, and even on the bottom of the bay that truck was pretty pungent…"

"Obviously" Lisa added brightly, "You were in it. So even cold-blooded, slimy bottomfeeders can't stomach you, eh?"

Visionary glared at her from within the confines of his beach towel. "There's a lawyer joke in there somewhere, and it's just a matter of time 'til I find it."

Yo happily took Sarah by the arm to lead her from the bickering co-leaders. "So how was it to be being a cute super hero to enjoy the ball?"

Sarah smiled. "Well Yo, even for just one night, it was nice to know what it's like…"

"Sarah! Where you been?!" Mr. Papadopopolos cried suddenly, thrusting a slime coated sponge into her hand. "Look what they do to my truck! I need you to help scrape fish entrails off the side… We have to cater the big wedding for nice Mrs. Vonschlemmelman's daughter in the morning!" He opened the back end of the truck, dumping gallons of sea-snake bile onto the parking lot. "Grab a hose, okay?"

"… to be the luckiest woman on earth" she finished with a sigh.

a tag-team effort by, well, you know...

Message thread:

Dancer/Visionary Special Foil Edition #1 (a tag-team effort by, well, you know...) (19-Jun-2000 10:01:12)

Special thanks to Dancer for taking pity on me, and for producing a great beginning to the story! (n/t) (Visionary speaks up over the constant murmur of 'rhubarb'.) (19-Jun-2000 10:04:02)

And extra special thanks to Vizh who wrote all the bits with plot and story in it :-) (n/t) (Dancer should do all her stories this way) (20-Jun-2000 14:06:15)

Great Job Dancer/Viz! Kept me wondering what was going to happen next. (n/t) (Cobra) (19-Jun-2000 11:24:58)

I had the same problem writing my part... ;-) (n/t) (Visionary) (19-Jun-2000 13:10:46)
Me too :-) (n/t) (Dancer) (20-Jun-2000 14:06:39)

Not all people from the west are cowboys, blast it!! :) (n/t) (Finny) (19-Jun-2000 12:40:29)

But I notice you're not denying the albino part, are you Boo? ;-) (n/t) (Visionary) (19-Jun-2000 13:11:27)

You were watching To Kill A Mockingbird on monitor watch again weren't you? (n/t) (Exile) (19-Jun-2000 13:48:23)

And here I was thinking I was the dealer of teh Parodyverse.. damn. (n/t) (Exile, tucking his dealer's hat into the vent and nailing it shut.) (19-Jun-2000 12:59:09)

So you're the one we're supposed to just say 'no' to, eh? (n/t) (Visionary) (19-Jun-2000 13:12:39) You're supposed to thank me for letting you use my cards. :) (n/t) (Exile) (19-Jun-2000 13:18:18)

So YOU stole it!!! Bastard... (n/t) (Hatman) (19-Jun-2000 17:28:32)

Stole what?? (n/t) (Ex) (20-Jun-2000 10:02:53)

It was supposed to read.. (n/t) (Exile, so good he can't even figure out what he stole) (20-Jun-2000 14:27:30)

To Messenger: I do too live, dammit! And Vizh: You're still gonna have to write a story with Pimp Daddy Drew and I in it. But this'll suffice for now. (n/t) (the Dark Knight reckons he won't turn you over to the amorous advances of Rupaul. For now.) (19-Jun-2000 13:21:53)

Um... ugh. (n/t) (Exile, wants the Knight in the chat room... now dammit! :)) (19-Jun-2000 13:33:45)
Um... okay. (n/t) (Visionary) (19-Jun-2000 13:43:22)
Well, I knew you were up and about, but I thought you had mentioned you were undead, so I put down deceased. (n/t) (Mess-) (19-Jun-2000 14:49:40)

Heh. But that could've become a great new catch phrase. "I live, dammit!" But it's understandable now. (n/t) (19-Jun-2000 15:10:36)

Great story! And funny as heck, too... (n/t) (Nats, not very good at cards...) (19-Jun-2000 14:06:08)

Funny as heck? Bah! As Hell HEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL! :) (n/t) (Exile) (19-Jun-2000 14:16:04)

Mind your mouth Exile. If we dont let Jam get away with it we cant let you do it either! (n/t) (Dancer) (20-Jun-2000 14:07:56)

Thanks Nats! We need to have you over for a poker party some time! Bring your checkbook... (n/t) (Visionary) (19-Jun-2000 19:59:20)

Re: (21-Jun-2000 20:41:22)

Re: Re: (21-Jun-2000 20:46:11)

Re: Re: Re: (21-Jun-2000 20:48:16)

I think you two should be made to do this weekly. (n/t) (HH) (19-Jun-2000 16:27:19)

I'm not sure the catering truck could take it. (n/t) (Visionary) (19-Jun-2000 19:55:00)
hey, Im up for it but Vizh seekms to want some kind of life. I dunno :-) (n/t) (Dancer) (20-Jun-2000 14:08:39)

I also wanted a puppy, but that was denied me for 25 years, so why not? ;-) (n/t) (Visionary) (20-Jun-2000 15:43:15)

The Prime Minister can't telepathically talk to moose...he can talk to beavers. Silly Americans. :) (n/t) (Hatman) (19-Jun-2000 17:05:05)

So beaver suffrage is a hot political topic up there? (n/t) (Visionary) (19-Jun-2000 19:57:08)

Man.......I wish I could write insults that well...... :) (n/t) ( ManMan ) (20-Jun-2000 09:10:06)

It helps when you've heard them all before... ;-) (n/t) (Visionary) (20-Jun-2000 11:04:02)

great job guys! And Dancer, a big thank you for getting Visionary to write agein. More Vish! Write more!!!! (n/t) (ag) (21-Jun-2000 08:48:59)

Thanks AG. Dancer can be pretty persuasive. ;-) (n/t) (Visionary, fudging on who exactly asked who.) (21-Jun-2000 13:00:13)