Dancer #2
Sunday, 02-Apr-2000 09:22:11 writes:

The scene: a giant killer turnip is rampaging across downtown Paradiopolis. On the scene to stop the monster, Goldeneyed, Exile, ManMan, and spiffy.

Goldeneyed: Take that, evil house-eating turnip!

Exile: We could defeat the evil rampaging turnip if only he hadn’t brought along his broccoli minions!

ManMan: Broccoli minions or not, this root vegetable is going down.

Crowd: Hooray!

spiffy: Er, guys? We forgot something important before we started fighting this thing.

G-Eyed, Exile, ManMan: What?

spiffy: We forgot to put our costumes on.

G-Eyed, Exile, ManMan (blushing): Ack!

Knifey: Call that a weapon?

Evil Turnip: Ha ha!

Dancer: Hi guys! Nice to see you.

spiffy: Turn away. She forgot her costume too!

ManMan: Turn away? Are you nuts?

Dancer: Relax guys. This is just one of those dreams where you’re at work and then you realise you forgot to put any clothes on.

G-Eyed: But why aren’t you embarrassed like we are?

Exile (not looking honestly): Are you kidding? What’s she got to be embarrassed about. All that dancing really tones the…

Dancer: Well it’s not like you’re going to remember in the morning, is it?

ManMan: We can hope.

spiffy: Then this evil rampaging turnip is a dream as well, and we have nothing to fear from it? (Evil rampaging turnip steps on spiffy) Ouch.

Dancer: This isn’t just a dream, I can tell somebody is pulling the strings. Show yourself, whoever you are!

Frightmare, Lord of Nasty Dreams: So my plots are revealed – much as you all are. And my plots are so much… bigger.

G-Eyed, Exile, Man-Man: We can take you.

Exile: Although only in the superhero battle sense of the word.

(Evil giant monster turnip steps on G-Eyed, Exile, and ManMan and they are beaten up by broccoli)

Dancer: You think that because you control this nightmare we have no chance of winning against you.

Frightmare: Yes.

Dancer: But then, you probably thought I wouldn’t work out this was a dream either. It was the phallic shaped mushroom buildings that gave it away. Read the AMB. Freud is dead, man.

Frightmare: You will still be crushed by a giant dream turnip and never awake, little Dancer.

Dancer: I guess that you haven’t heard about my probability-changing power then?

Frightmare: So?

Dancer: So what if your Evil Turnip accidentally stepped on its broccoli minions, slipped, and toppled onto you crushing you flat?

Frightmare: The chances of that happening are… Aaaggghhhh! (splat).

Alarm clock: Rrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg!

Dancer: Ack! Why didn’t I get an alarm clock with a snooze button? And how did this mashed vegetable get into my bed?


Message thread:

Dancer #2 (Dancer) (02-Apr-2000 09:22:11)

Hee hee hee ... I wish I'd been invited to that dream, for a peek at Dancer. ;) (n/t) (CSFB! likes Dancer's fast-paced silliness.) (02-Apr-2000 09:28:37)
*covers eyes and runs away* Um...not at the story, which was quite good... (n/t) (Finny) (02-Apr-2000 12:38:31)
I think spiffy will like this story (n/t) (Hat) (02-Apr-2000 14:50:57)
The female newbie is having naked dreams about me. Life is good. (n/t) (spiffy) (02-Apr-2000 17:09:23)

.................................................................................*flushes mind with soap* (n/t) (Exile, wishing he hadn't been fighting in his....uhhh... birthday suit) (03-Apr-2000 11:59:06)

G-Eyed got beated by brocolli. Man, I'd hate to run into the cauliflower! (n/t) (Goldeneyed) (02-Apr-2000 19:04:51)
Why do I always lose my costume. (n/t) (Exile, trying to gain better control on that damned mental consttruction.) (03-Apr-2000 11:57:26)
I guess there are SOME advantages of not having these stories in comic strip form (n/t) (HH) (03-Apr-2000 13:34:05)