Dancer #6
Tuesday, 25-Apr-2000 03:05:16 writes:

The scene: Dancer, in her everyday identity of waitress Sarah Shepherson, has just got an evening job at a seedy Paradiopolis cellar bar to help pay her brother through college.

Mr Scarface: Dis place is a good place to get tips, see? You be nice to the customers, and every time dey have a windfall they treat you nice too, see?

Sarah: It sounds just like Mr Papadopoplous’ café where I work during the daytime – except that the people here tend to be a bit smellier and have prosthetic arms and major facial scarring.

Stubbly man in shredded yellow spandex and a body cast: Hey, you got something against facial scarring?

Sarah, politely: No, of course not. I just can’t help but notice that many of the patrons appear to be rather… damaged.

Man repairing his badly scorched body armour: Sure. There was a sweet shipment of, er, merchandise coming in tonight but the whole thing was busted up by the Lair Legion.

Man trying to get the dent our of his atomic chestplate: Yeah. They used unfair tactics, like winning!

Man deliberately standing at the bar: And spank rays.

Man seeping gently onto the upholstery: And Amazon war spears.

Man smoking a cigarette contentedly in the corner: And whips.

Sarah: Are you saying that you were involved in some criminal act this evening and ran foul of superhero law-enforcers?

Mr Scarface: Sure dey were. Didn’t I tell you what kind of bar dis was?

Sarah: You said that it was a village pub.

Mr Scarface: Villains pub. Not village. Villains, see?

Sarah: Ah.

Mr Scarface: And now dat you’re in the know, you gotta swear not to tell anybody or we’ll have to do with you what we did with Molly.

Sarah (worriedly): What did you do with Molly?

Man trying to staple his hair back on: We paid her a lot of money to move to Hawaii didn’t we?

Mr Scarface: Mebbe that’s a bad example. But you gotta swear, or we’ll turn you over to Appendage Man.

Appendage Man, flexing several organs in greeting: Yum.

Sarah: I see. Well, all this excitement is making me need the bathroom. Excuse me.

Mr Scarface: I t’ink she’s going to work out fine.

[Bathroom door is kicked open as Dancer vaults into the room]

Dancer: Alright felons, you are all under citizens arrest.

Man who has almost got the dent out of his atomic chestplate now, and only has to glue his teeth back in: A super-chick! Here, in our bar!

Man standing by the bar and approaching with a strange mincing walk: You bitch! What have you done to Sarah, our designated waitress for the evening?

Man trying to remove silly string from eyebrows: She’s got Sarah! Get her, guys.

All supervillains in bar: For Sarah! Teach her she can’t mess with our coffee server!

Dancer, thinking quickly: You’re right. I have your waitress, and if you ever want to see her again, you’ll all come quietly.

Appendage Man: You got Sarah? Damn, she’s got us over a barrel. All right, we’ll come quietly.

Dancer: Mr Scarface, phone the police and turn yourselves in. Do it or the waitress gets it! (thinks: Damn, another night job blown).


Message thread:

Dancer #6 (Dancer) (25-Apr-2000 03:05:16)

Whoa......Those were nice bad guys. (n/t) ( ManMan ) (25-Apr-2000 10:00:47)

We still exchange xmas cards (n/t) (Dancer) (27-Apr-2000 14:27:58)

Those villains were sharp as a marble... (n/t) (Finny) (25-Apr-2000 12:15:29)

They'd have to be stupid to be villains. Everyone knows that crime dpoesnt pay! (n/t) (Dancer) (27-Apr-2000 14:28:37)

Why not just hold a gun to your head? (n/t) (HH) (25-Apr-2000 13:30:58)

Cleavon Little in Blazing Saddles: "Nobody move or the n*gger gets it!" :) (n/t) (CSFB!) (26-Apr-2000 03:46:04)

I steal all my jokes (n/t) (Dancer) (27-Apr-2000 14:30:41)

Didnt have a gun (n/t) (Dancer) (27-Apr-2000 14:29:07)

I want an Atomic chestplate! (n/t) (Exile, still wants an Andycave as well.) (25-Apr-2000 20:26:50)

"Andypad", actually, though it is sometimes referred to as an "Andycave". And no, you may not have one, it's just for me. :) (n/t) (Finny) (26-Apr-2000 01:14:18)

Ok... *cuts off Foom's cookie supply* (n/t) (Exile) (26-Apr-2000 10:18:21)
great chat-up line. "Wanna see my Andycave!" lol! (n/t) (Dancer) (27-Apr-2000 14:31:21) No females are allowed in the Andypad. And an atomic chest??? Eww. (n/t) (Finny) (27-Apr-2000 21:35:54)

I want an atomic chest (n/t) (Dancer) (27-Apr-2000 14:29:46)

Don't we all. Are you listening, Santa? (n/t) (Flapjack) (28-Apr-2000 19:17:17)

hmmm, villains who cant sit and the waitress' who arest them (n/t) (ag) (26-Apr-2000 08:03:39)

Didnt they already do that one? (n/t) (Dancer) (27-Apr-2000 14:31:49)

Cool. (n/t) (Nats) (28-Apr-2000 20:27:25)