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Dancer/Finny Valentine Special #3: A Regular Interlude was made by Dancer warns that Dancer and Finny arent actually in this episode on 2/17/2003 at 10:59:00 AM.

Dancer/Finny Valentine Special #3: A Regular Interlude

[The Scene: Visionary’s Condo. Vizh is trying to microwave some toast.]

Fleabot: I don’t think toast was meant to be microwaved.

Vizh: When she went off to NASA, Cheryl said I should always microwave myself something to eat each day.

Fleabot: I’m guessing she wouldn’t mind if you used the toaster. But now that I think about it…

Vizh: I can’t use the toaster. NTU-150 improved it into a ballistic bread-launcher.

NTU-150, from under the dishwasher: You never know when we might get attacked by the Pizzafather again.

[Suddenly there is a loud crash as Cheryl’s collection of antique plates hits the living room floor]

Fleabot, looking at Visionary: I’m impressed. You weren’t even in the room.

Vizh: How did I do that, then?

Fleabot: I ask that of you a lot. Like every time I see you’ve managed to get your pants on.

Vizh: That’s easy. Just remember that the zip goes up the front. And to keep your fingers out of the zip. And… anything else.

Enty: Can you guys see what the crashing sound was. If I take my finger of this nozzle just now the plutonium motherlode might cascade.

Vizh: Uh sure. I’d be happy to move to another room.

Enty: let me know if it’s attacking supervillains. Especially if they have vulnerabilities to bread.

[So Vizh and Fleabot go into the shambles of the living room]

spiffy, looking guilty: It wasn’t me. I was just hiding behind the sofa in case they caught me and made me be Mayor of somewhere some more.

Visionary: Well, your past record speaks against you not being to blame.

Fleabot: Look out! Something’s moving under the rubble! It’s leaping! It’s… hopping into a wall.

Visionary, recognising the visitor: Rabito! Hey, is Yo back already?

Rabito: * hops into a magazine rack and gets tangled up *

Lisa: What’s all the racket? I can hardly hear myself scheme.

Lisa’s cat: * pounces on Rabito *

Vizh: Lisa, you cat’s trying to eat Yo’s pure thought rabbit again.

Fleabot: Hey, it’s made from your thoughts, fake man. You really telling me that thought rabbit’s pure?

Vizh: I’m real dammit, and Yo’s bunny is pure. I’m sure of it.

Lisa: But pure what, that’s the question. Look, it’s got stuck under the sideboard.

[The sideboard kind of hops up and down as it walks across the floor]

spiffy, rescuing Rabito and getting a sideboard hopped onto his fingers: Ouch! Where is Yo, anyway? It’s not like he or she goes very far from the bunny usually.

Rabito: * hop* thump*

Fleabot: Because the rabbit permanently needs attention for concussion?

Vizh: Maybe something’s wrong with Yo, and s/he’s in some kind of trouble? *Looks at Rabito* Is that it, boy? Are you trying to warn us about danger?

Fleabot: Well, your toast is still in the microwave quietly smouldering.

Lisa: Visionary, are you suggesting that this lopsided purple lapine is trying to tell us that Yo is trapped in the old mine workings?

Vizh: Well, s/he could be. I saw it on TV once.

Fleabot: I suppose we could all just give in and read the note on his collar.

[Embarrassed pause]

spiffy, reading note: “Greetings yo-friends. This is being a note from Yo.”

Fleabot: There’s another letter on the other side. Looks like Dancer’s handwriting.

Visionary, looking worried and trying to think of a good hiding place: It’s not an invitation to another of her sponsored Fitathons is it? I wonder if I can fit under the dishwasher with Enty and the plutonium motherlode?

Lisa: No, according to this, she, Yo, Ziles, and Finny were kidnapped by this agency called SHAG and launched into space as part of an alien-hybrid breeding programme.

spiffy: Lucky buggers.

Lisa: But despite being on a hermetically sealed computer-controlled spaceship in far Earth orbit Yo and Dancer escaped to the Happy Place to send word for rescue.

Visionary: Really? How did they get out of the love rocket and into the Happy Place?

Lisa: *stares*

Visionary: *blushes*

spiffy: *whimpers*

Fleabot: Wang the Conqueror’s not in this story by any chance, is he?

Librarian: Long-time students of the happy place will know that one can only leave the Happy Place at the same point one first entered it be becoming very, very happy. Hence, Dancer and Yo can go to the Happy place and dispatch Rabito to go for assistance but cannot simply use the Happy Place as a means of permanent escape.

spiffy: …..Did you know he was in that cupboard?

Lisa: No, but I’ll remember for later. *Puts chair against cupboard door*

Visionary: So poor Finny is trapped on a remote-controlled spaceship by some loony SHAG fanatics, being forced to mate with three gorgeous women again and again and again?

spiffy: *sobs*

Fleabot: Well, technically, Yo can father children too. Just not on himself. I think.

Lisa: And if the prisoners don’t co-operate they’re putting Foom in with Enormous Irma and Ziles with the Slimy Slaver Lovetoad of Frammistat Eight!

Fleabot: So they have no choice but to go at it like, uh, like most rabbits that don’t keep hopping into walls and falling over.

Enty, from kitchen: No, don’t hop into that fusion mix modulator! Aaagh!

spiffy: We have to do something. We have to save them. We have to stop this. Nobody should get lucky like this!

Visionary: Okay. What do we do?

Enty, from kitchen: Does nobody care that my fingers are on fire?

Lisa: Simple. We make a plan, and we act on it. Visionary, make a plan.

Vizh: …………………

Microwave: *explodes*

[To be continued. Finny, or Ziles, maybe Nats like he threatened. Visionary or Enty would be nice, cause it’s a long time since they did anything. But somebody better get us all out of this. Heeeeeeelp!!!!]