The return of the diabolical Dr. Moo Moo yawned and stretched. It was a beautiful, if a bit brisk, New England morning. Moo sat up and started counting noses. Theodore, Cody, Nick, Killian, Jon-Tom...well that was five of them. The other three were probably catching bunnies for breakfast. Wandering around her secret laboratory/home Moo went through her usually morning routine - get up, dressed, brush theeth, shower, plan how to corner the world's market in dairy products and destroy the manufacturers of non-dairy whipped toppings..., before sitting down to check her e-mail. Moo had been in a relatively good moo-d before but when she arose form her computer she was seething. NO edited text! THe BZLer's and Lisa must paid and pay (in cash as Moo does accept either Visa, Mastercard or American Express). FIrst things first, Moo thought with determined viscousness. She disappeared in a cloud of powdered milk only to repear in Lisa and Jarvis' quarters. "Tremble in fear, younger sibling. FOr I, Moo have come to..." Lisa wasn't paying attention. TO Moo anyway. Moo tapped one polished cloven hoof on the floor and cleared her throat. "Ahem." Still no response. Moo gathered herself up and summoned her ability to make anyone crave real dairy products. Jarvis suddenly sat up, disengaged himself from Lisa's embrace and wandered out towards the kitchen muttering, "Got Milk?" Lisa sat up indignantly. "Hey, I wasn't through with that... er... him." "Tough titties, you also didn't edit my story. Porabably didn't even read it." "Well," Lisa whined pathetically, "I've been REALLY busy." Moo glanced in the direction, Jarvis had gone. "I can see that," she replied sardonically. "No, really," Lisa insisted, "Carrington finally forced me to write a parody and, the kids all had the flu, well, I've had other problems..." "Sheesh," Moo said in exasperation, "I go away for a couple of days to see some friends and you just go to pieces." Lisa shrugged. "Well, regardless or irregardless, or whatever is the proper word..." "Anyway?" Lisa suggested sweetly. "ANYWAY," Moo bellowed irritated. "I'm going to have to do something hideously horrible to you and the BZLers." "Like what haven't they already done to themselves," Lisa asked sarcastically. "Like..." Moo paused ominously. "sabotage your parodyverse-linking device (i.e her computer) so that you can't reach the Parodyverse and are trapped in the mundane world forever!" Evil mooing cresendos... "No," Lisa screams, "Anything but that!" Both Lisa and Moo disapear in a cloud powdered milk. ***** Will Moo keep Lisa trapped in the mundane world until she edits Moo's diabolical prose? What does Moo intend to do to the rest of the BZL? Tune in tommotrrow for the answers. Same Cow time Same Cow channel Mooooo! Got Milk?