Dynamic Donar #44


Dynamic Donar #44 - My Friend, My Enemy, Part 1

      The rain knows no mercy.
      It beats down relentlessly on the remaining few pedestrians that
      chose to confront it.
      Almost defiantly, it forces them indoors, blows away umbrellas and
      whips leaves and paper into the heart of it's maelstrom.
      Parodiopolis has never seen a storm like this before.
      A lone figure sits atop a skyscraper, still in the early stages of
      construction. The monument sways in the storm, it's steel girders
      proving no match for the tempest.
      The figure is unaware of the rain, oblivious to the lightning that
      crashes virtually a few feet away from where he sits.
      Water runs down his steel helmet, over his face, and soaks his beard.
      He is saturated. He doesn't care.
      He continues staring towards the horizon, but doesn't see it.
      He thinks, as it is all he can do. Think and wonder.
      The Lair League Mansion:
      Visionary is on monitor duty...again. Yo wanders in.
      Vis: "Hey buddy, uh, you wouldn't know the new access code to the
      cable would you?"
      Yo: "Yes......."
      Vis: "Great!! Wanna watch TV?"
      Yo: "No."
      Vis: "....Well....Wanna set up the tele so I can?"
      Yo: "You are not allowed to watch TV. You are in trouble."
      Vis: "Huh? Oh, you mean that silly thing that Cheryl said? We were
      just joking around, you know."
      Yo: "She said no TV at all."
      Vis: "Yeah but she was only upset about that whole sex slave thing"
      Cheryl wanders in behind Vis ".I mean, she wasn't here when
      Dominatrix was mind controlling us..."
      Cheryl: "Mind control? I don't think your mind had much to do with
      Vis: "Eh..Hi honey, gee you look great!! That a new hairdo? "
      Yo: "Busted"
      Cheryl: "Come on you two, there's a meeting."
      Vis: "phew"
      The main meeting room:
      The heroes that compromise the LL are seated at two large L-shaped
      tables. The original concept was that overhead they would appear as
      "LL", but due to the fact that Spiffy measured the room in metric,
      and NTU measured the tables in Imperial, the result was closer to
      Shaper of Worlds stood at the podium, awaiting the last few members
      to arrive, before tending to roll call.
      Vis, Cheryl and Yo took a seat each.
      SoW: "Alright let's begin, shall we? Visionary and Cheryl?
      Vis and Cheryl: "Here"
      SoW: "NTU-150 and Tina?"
      Tina: "Yes"
      NTU: "Yup"
      SoW: "Miggy?"
      Miggy: "Mxrfratlik"
      SoW: "Spiffy?"
      Spiffy: "Yo!"
      Yo: "Yes, Spiffy?"
      Spiffy: "Not you, Yo, I was saying I was here."
      Yo: "Oh. I see"
      SoW: "Yo?"
      Yo: "Spiffy!"
      Spiffy: "No, Yo, you can't say my name to say you're here."
      Yo: "But you used mine"
      SoW: "Eh..guys? Could we?"
      Yo and Spiffy: "Sorry"
      SoW: "Lisa and Jarvis?"
      SoW: "Has anyone seen Lisa or Jarv?"
      NTU: "Not since Dominatrix left"
      SoW: "So they're MIA, then...Hope they're OK*"
      *(Which they arent! Apparently kidnapped over in Jarvis's tale)
      SoW: "Donar?"
      Silence again..
      SoW: "*sigh* Has anyone seen Donar?"
      Yo: "Mebbe his card run out again?"
      NTU: "No, he said to me that that was a one off. He should be
      Parodiopolis-That skyscraper again.
      The rain hasn't yet let up. If anything, it has become more violent,
      more desperate. It appears to be echoing the sentiment of it's
      Donar remains at the top of the building, still lost in his own
      thoughts. He hasn't moved in hours.
      But time is irrelevant to one who is immortal.
      He looks straight down at the street below him.
      There are no people on the streets tonight. Even the traffic has all
      but dispersed. A few stray taxis remain, but on the whole, it would
      seem everyone is at home with their loved ones. That is where Donar
      should be. Should be but isn't.
      He slowly gets to his feet, reaching to the pole above him. He lifts
      himself up onto it, and repeats the process several times until the
      only thing above him is the sky, his Father.
      Carefully perching atop the uppermost girder, he looks to the
      He closes his eyes and feels the savage wind caress his weary frame.
      He hears the rain hitting a tin roof to his left. He also senses a
      presence before him. His eyes open
      Donar: ".....what do you want?"
      Donar: "Leave me alone, pest."
      Zookd: "Come now, Donar....I thought we were friends?"
      Donar: "Even friendship has it's limits, prodigious one. Begone"
      Zookd: "hmmm....I sense inner turmoil.."
      Donar casts Zookd an icy glare.
      Zookd: "Good to see you can take a joke. What's the story?"
      Donar: "There art no story."
      Zookd: "Really? So why are you ripping off the "Worldengine" saga
      like this?"
      Donar: "What mean you?"
      Zookd: "Oh, Come on, man!! The rain? The building? The lonely
      Thunder-God angst? Deal with it!"
      Donar snaps. Like a wild animal he has waited for the right moment.
      He swings Mjalcom directly through the centre of Zookd's ethereal
      Zookd: "Oh, very constructive!! I'M NOT REALLY HERE!! THIS IS MY
      IMAGE!!...and you forgot the (tm) again."
      Donar: "Whatever."
      Donar suddenly falls backwards, hands outstretched crucifix-style. He
      plummets 50 stories, before righting his descent to land feet first.
      With an almighty crash, he lands knee deep in the concrete footpath
      below him, shattering it like glass.
      He then steps out of the shallow pit and stalks off down the alley.
      Zookd: "Oops...I think I broke him"
      The LL Mansion.
      SoW: "Alright, most of us are here so I'll begin. Due to he damage
      caused by the recent attacks on the mansion, security will be a major
      priority. Visionary, you will be on constant monitor duty until
      further notice."
      Vis: "Gee, what a shock.."
      SoW: "Spiffy and NTU, you are assigned to repairs. Yo, you can join
      Yo: "Yippee!!"
      Spiffy: *groan*
      NTU: "OOOH!! Can I..."
      SoW: "No improvements!! Just fix the big holes, OK? This rain is
      NTU: "razzafrazza"
      SoW: "Tina and Cheryl? I'd like you to try and find out what's become
      of Lisa, Jarv and Donar."
      Tina: "I saw Donar last night..He was pretty pissed"
      Cheryl: "Drunk or angry?"
      Tina: "Both. He was downing mead like water, and singing some off-key
      CoS: "Is that what that horrible noise was? I thought someone was
      gutting a horse....No offense Peggy.."
      Pegasus: "None taken"
      SoW: "Any ideas where he could be?"
      NTU: "I have an idea"
      Sow: "What is it?"
      NTU: "An idea is any conception existing in the mind as the result of
      mental apprehension or activity, but that's not important right
      now...Watch this..MJALCOM"
      A mist rolls in and Zookd manifests
      Zookd: "AHA! Thou has forgotten the suffix again, and my vengeance
      will be most...Where am I?"
      NTU: "Zookd, I summoned you, have you seen Donar?"
      Zookd: "You left off the (tm) on purpose didn't you? Damn, I'm
      getting sick of this."
      NTU: "Well?"
      Zookd: "Well as a matter of fact, Tin-Man, I was in the process of
      following him when you summoned me....SO NO, I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS NOW!!!"
      NTU: "Oops"
      Zookd: "Oops indeed, Mortal!! Donar may seem a lighthearted nutcase
      with a huge bat, but he seems greatly disturbed of late. I suggest
      you give him a wide berth until he is ready to be found."
      Tina: "You mean if you love something, set it free?"
      Zookd: "No, I mean if you value your lives, do not cross a berserk
      Tina: "Oh"
      Zookd: "And one other thing..." Zookd folds his arms and nods, I
      Dream of Jeannie style. "There...My connection to Mjalcom(tm) is
      ended. Long live Mjalcom"
      With that he disappears.
      SoW: "OK...Now what?
      The outskirts of Parodiopolis, near the Black Forest.
      Donar looks behind him to the city he has called home. Memories of a
      lighter time fill his head. The virtuous Lisa. noble Jarvis, wise
      Visionary and tolerant Cheryl. Little Yo. creative NTU and more
      recently the enigmatic Tina. And that Spiffy guy. Friends all.
      The rain continues to beat on his face, hiding the tear that runs
      down his right cheek.
      Without another pause, he dismisses his emotions and walks into the
      forest, and into the arms of his awaiting destiny.

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