Dynamic Donar #46


Dynamic Donar #46- My Friend, My Enemy, Pt 3

      It is almost time for lunch at the Lair Legion Mansion.
      It is Friday. That means it's Home-made Hamburgers Day. It has always
      been this way, well, at least for the last two weeks. It was Yo's
      idea. Seeing as it was the most original idea anyone had had for a
      while, it remained. It was also one of the few innovations that
      didn't result in anyone getting maimed or killed.
      NTU: "Hey! I resent that remark!!"
      Yo, chewing on a burger with more pickles than meat: "To who are you
      talking to?"
      NTU: "What? Oh! The Narrator...He's always taking digs at us."
      Visionary: "Oh that! Ignore him. He's just jealous 'cause we get
      lines and stuff to do and he's enslaved to describe it all."
      Tina: "So has Donar come home yet?"
      Cheryl: "Haven't seen him yet."
      FFF: "Hehehe..."
      Pegasus: "What's so funny?"
      FFF: "I was just thinking.."
      Spiffy: "Beginner's luck.."
      FFF throws Spiffy a glare, and continues: "..I was just thinking how
      Donar's the only guy to have his own ongoing title on the BZL, yet he
      seems to only be a member of the supporting cast."
      All: "hahaha"
      The doorbell rings
      Visionary: "Where the hell is that coming from??"
      NTU: "I have NO idea."
      Cheryl: "C'mon Tina, looks like we'd better go see who it is. Again."
      Tina and Cheryl rise and head towards the front door.
      Then they get to it. Then they open it.
      Cheryl and Tina: "Donar!!"
      Donar: "Supporting cast indeed. I suppose at least thou didst not
      defame me as much as Zemo."
      Tina: "Huh? What did Herr Baron say?"
      Donar just looks at Tina and walks past her.
      Cheryl, whispering: "He called Donar Greek."
      Tina: "Uh Oh"
      The remaining horde gathers to greet the long absent Thunder God.
      All: "Hey Donar!!"
      Donar: "Hail mine allies!! I missed thee all whilst I did venture
      Visionary: "Where'd you go?"
      Donar: "It matters not, O' Wise one. I hath returned, and for that we
      shall rejoice!."
      Yo: "Donar!! You are not leaving again are you?"
      Donar :"Nay minuscule one.I was on the verge of abandoning mine
      Mortal impulses, but I decided to remain."
      Yo: "eh..."
      NTU: "That meant no, Yo."
      Yo: "Oh"
      Donar: "I had to think things over, and visit mine Mum."
      Spiffy: "What a wuss.."
      Donar: "Spiffy? Dost thou jest at mine expense?"
      Spiffy: "teehee...Mummy's Boy"
      Donar wanders slowly over to where Spiffy if guffawing like a
      pre-pubescent oaf. He extends his middle finger and places it on
      Spiffy's neck.
      Spiffy: "Hey! I can't move...What's going on?"
      Donar: "'Tis called a pressure point, Spiffy. Thou should really pay
      attention when Xena art on. "
      The group moves off to the dining hall once more, to hear Donar's
      tales of adventure. Or rather "tale".
      Spiffy, alone in the foyer: "Uh...Guys...Guys?"
      Behind him, a pair of eyes watch with interest....
      Scene : The Dining Hall..
      The Heroes gather and eat what's left of their cold burgers.
      Donar: "..And Mine mother did say to return..So here I am. Hath I
      missed anything?"
      NTU: "Uh..Not really"
      Jarvis and Lisa walk in
      Jarvis: "Hi gang"
      Donar: "Jarvis? Lisa? Thou art not missing?"
      Lisa: "Uh...no."
      Donar has a puzzled look.
      NTU: "Oh, wait..you had a visitor."
      Tina: "Yeah. Some woman."
      Donar: "Aye. Another groupie, no doubt."
      Cheryl: "What did she say her name was?"
      Visionary: "Was it Harpie? She was a Scottish chick. Pretty hot,
      Cheryl looks over at Vis with a "Pardon Me, Loving Husband?" look
      Visionary."..uh..pretty hot in that big red coat.."
      Donar turns white.
      Donar: "Seiren?"
      Tina: "Yeah!! That's it!!"
      Donar rises: "Excuse me".He walks out of the room, the joy that
      filled his face, now replaced with a ghastly revelation.
      Seiren came to visit.
      His Seiren.
      Dead Seiren.
      Scene : The Nexus.
      Zookd is contemplating reality again.
      He does this quite a lot. That is what the Nexus is for. However,
      this time, he does not wonder what reality is, he is wondering WHICH
      reality it is. Confused? So is He.
      Zookd is sitting, or rather hovering in a lotus position. The nature
      of the Nexus is indescribable. It appears as an Aura of light to
      some, as a sparse void to others. To Zookd, it is simply "Home"
      Zookd: "Donar. My old friend Donar. What is going on in that mind of
      yours? You are jubilant, now you mourn. Such emotions from one so
      distant from Humanity"
      Scene :Donar's Room:
      Donar is WAY spaced out on this one. No other way to describe it.
      He stands and looks in the mirror. He sees confusion.
      There is a knock at the door. "Knock knock"
      Donar: "Begone"
      Lisa and Jarvis: "Donar?"
      Donar: "Not now, Lisa...I hath a headache"
      Lisa: "I'm not here for sex, D."
      Spiffy, still paralysed downstairs: "That's a first!!"
      Donar: "It matters not Lisa. I hath finally lost it."
      Jarvis: "Donar? Please let us in."
      Donar opens the door. Lisa walks in.
      Lisa: "Y' know, this is the first time that I've ever been in your
      room ...*whispers*.. that you know of."
      Donar: "Aye"
      Lisa: "I know that look. This Seiren chick's an Ex, isn't she?"
      Donar: "Verily"
      Jarvis: "How long were you two together?"
      Donar: Until we did separate."
      Lisa: "..ok..Then she left?"
      Donar: "In a way"
      Jarvis: "She moved?"
      Donar: "She died."
      Lisa: "..."
      Donar: "Any advice?"
      Jarvis looks at his watch-less wrist: "Ooh, damn, I got a ..thing..to
      get to...bye"
      Lisa and Donar are alone.
      Lisa: "Well, uh...if I'm upset, you know what I do?"
      Donar: "Besides sex? Nay?"
      Lisa: "I resort to stereotypes. You need a makeover"
      Donar: "You think so?"
      Lisa: "trust me..."
      The Lair Legion are pacing up and down the hallway outside like
      expectant fathers.
      Except for Spiffy. He is a coat-rack.
      Visionary: "You're kidding?"
      Jarvis: "No Man, she is dead"
      Tina: "This is SO X-Files...."
      NTU: "I don't believe it. That's nuts."
      Lisa comes out of Donar's room, closing the door behind her.
      Lisa: "OK, I managed to find a way to help fix Donar"
      FFF: "Besides sex?"
      Lisa: "Amazingly, yes."
      Pegasus: "How?"
      Lisa: "What every hero does in drastic times"
      All: "NEW COSTUME!!!"
      NTU screws up a piece of paper he had been drawing on: "razzafrazza"
      Lisa: "Ready?"
      All: "Hell yeah!!"
      Lisa: "I present to you, Donar!!"
      Donar walks out into the hallway. Jaws drop.
      2000 years of Ausgardian Heritage have disappeared.
      His hair is black.
      His beard has been trimmed back to a black goatee
      His cape, gone.
      His Armour, replaced by Black Biker Leathers with some BIG steel
      The only thing untouched is the Helmet, and Mjalcom.
      Donar: "Let's KRAKA-THOOM something..."

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