Tales of the Parodyverse

Post By

Thu Apr 07, 2005 at 05:45:56 pm EDT
Canto II Stanzas XII-XVII are my favourites:
Thank you, but I think that trying to produce a saga like that would be beyond my talents.

In Reply To

Manga Shoggoth
Thu Apr 07, 2005 at 03:38:21 pm EDT

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Canto II Stanzas XII-XVII are my favourites:

With trembling hearts they waited for their fate
Poor exiles from their lost and blissful home
No help left now but kneel low and await
Their master’s will. They stayed to hear their doom.

With tread like to colossus lords of old
Regaliad in princely mustard gown
Imperious Visionary as foretold
Came to inspect his trophies with a frown.

His noble gaze swept o’er the captured prize
Who cowered eager for his royal word
Afraid that he might cast out or despise
Or slay them cruelly as they had heard.

Yet pity moved his mighty, gentle heart
And never did he do his chattels woe
But embraced them and stood to take their part
And brought them home to shield them from all foe.

No art may speak the wonders of his lands
His House of marvels where he ruled as master
He healed his slaves with kind and gentle hands
And sheltered them from peril and disaster.

Prodigious was this Visionary king
Or mighty size and strength and full of fight
None could resist his will in anything
The rest of him was just of medium height.

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