TITLE: Donar’s Revenge

AUTHOR: Shaper of Worlds

DATE: Wednesday, 18-Nov-98 21:13:06


Donar was sitting on his mighty throne is high and lofty Emoh S’ranod, watching another rerun of "Friends."

"Aye, tis verily, Donar be bored. Mayhap I shall trek to yon Lair Legion!" Donar swung mighty Mjalcom™ through the air, and it carried him off.

Donar was totally vexed upon arriving at the LL mansion. They were all laughing, jeering, and leering at him. He didn’t enjoy it one bit. Indeed, his fabled Ausgardian madness was building.

"Tee-hee. God-boy scored." spiffy tittered.

"Tee-hee. God-boy scored." The Chronicler of Stories chuckled from behind "War and Peace."

Lisa just pouted in the corner.

There were all laughing at him.

"So, Donar, how was she?" Banjoooo asked, sucking on a Flintstones popsicle.

"By...by my Allpappy’s shaved head! I—I will no longer brook this perfidy! I say thee nay! I’ll not be a mockery to thee! Verily, naught came betwixt myself and yon fair lass!"

"Tee-hee. God boy scored," spiffy chimed in, ever helpful to the situation.

"So, Donar, now that you’ve experienced pure pleasure, how ‘bout comin’ over to my place tonight?" Lisa, ever on the prowl for virile individuals, approached Donar. "We can go over legal cases tonight, big boy. Purrrrrrrr."

"Ahem." Jarvis gave Lisa a look that would freeze the blood of a Frosting Giant.

"I say thee nay! I merely dropped the fair lass off at her dwelling! Who hath spread slander so foul?! I shall know it!" He shook Mjalcom angrily at the giggling crowd. This made them laugh even more.

"Tee-hee. God-boy scored." The Chronicler looked up from "Shogun."

"Argh! Thou shalt not slight a warrior born! Behold!" Donar spun Mjalcom fiercely, opening a portal in the middle of the room. It opened slowly until out popped...


McFarlane gave everyone present (except Donar, who was protected by his ™ seal) the McFarlane virus, doubling them over as their flesh rotted away. They writhed on the floor in tremendous pain. Donar sent McFarlane back to wherever he came from.

"So shall all suffer who cross, Donar Pappyson, mightiest of the Aieeesir!" Donar spun Mjalcom, and flew away.