TITLE: Peter Von Doom kills....The Beatles?

AUTHOR: Baron Zemo

DATE: Tuesday, 24-Nov-98 14:45:06


Peter Von Doom: Those fools will pay! They’ll...

NTU 150: The Beatles are going to kick your ass man!

SOW: Ya!

PVD: What the Hell do the Beatles have to do with anything?

Ringo: Watch the language man. I’m trying to get bloody drugged up...

Paul: Ooohhhh....a fag.....


Paul: I mean a cigarette you bloody cornhead!

PVD: DIE!!!!

George: HELP!

PVD: I hate that song!


PVD quickly gets to work incinerating the Beatles.


PVD: Oh well. Long live Frank Sinatra!

Dr. Smith: Uh...He’s dead boss.

PVD: Damn poperatzi! I swear..one of these days...


PVD goes back to working on his invention, listening to a Frank Sinatra tape as he does so.


Come fly with me, lets fly, lets fly away.....


The End. For now...