Last updated 6th January 2015
Shared Multi-Part Stories Artwork
Tales of the Parodyverse Message Board, where the stories get told. Lair Legion Living Room, our very own live chat area. The Who's Who of the Parodyverse, a lengthy directory of many of the main characters and situations in the shared fictional universe. Parodyverse Frequently Asked Questions, things you might want to know about posting and board ettiquette. The Where's Where of the Parodyverse, the companion volume detailing locations. Welcome to the Parodyverse, a fiction piece introducing some of the main players and giving an idea of the style and substance of the place. The History of the Parodyverse is Amazing Guy's magnum opus chronology of events since the beginning, and an essential reference tool.
The Hooded Hood's Homepage of Doom contains hundreds of Parodyverse stories, mostly from the Hooded Hood, including the long-running Untold Tales of the Lair Legion series. Dancer's Diner covers all of Dancer's career up to the summer of 2001, and one day we'll update it to now. Hatman's Archive contains stories and visual material about the capped crusader. Dark Knight at Deviant Art includes many of the works and words of Greg Burch. Dynamic Donar's Saga Site covers Donar's material to autumn 2001, with more to follow. Whitney's Journal: Writings After Dark covers the experiences of the Sorceress and links to other works of the authoress. Not for minors. Exile's Archives covers all but the most recent Exile exploits. The L! Archive offers the collected stories of the Librarian of the Moon Public Library, Chad and Ronnie, and Ham-Boy, the world's meatiest hero. CrazySugarFreakPage! is an incomplete collection of early and middle CSFB! stuff, with some more recent stuff to add in when I get round to it. The Nats Archives: The Mostly Complete Works of Bill Reed being the mostly complete works of Bill Reed. Mr Epitome's Case Files, the collected works of prolific chronicler Killer Shrike. De Brown Streak's Run features the high-speed exploits of mutate speedster Joshua J Clement. The Zemo Zeppelin, JJJ's collection of the adventures of Elizabeth Sweetwater Dewdrop Zemo and her companions. Note that there's also a lot of uncatalogued Parodyverse material at The Hooded Hood's Archive Pages. All help indexing it is gratefully received.
The Night Nurse Collection features the tales of Grace O'Mercy and the Phantomhawk memorial Hospital ER, as written by many of the Parodyverse contributors. The Junior Lair Legion Archive collects the exploits of the cadet branch of the Parodyverse's greatest superheroes, as told by a variety of Parodyverse writers. The Why Week Essays, a series of excellent articles by various posters on why their characters are - or aren't - members of the Lair Legion. Mumphrey in the Lair Legion, in which various people try to convince Mumph to sign up in their own inimitable fashions. Caphan Story Archive, a compilation of surprisingly popular tales of nine nubile green-skinned alien slave girls. The Hallie Database, collected stories about the Lair Legion's resident artificial intelligence. Follies of Youth, our longest ever multi-writer tale, recounting the growing pains of the Parodyverse's greatest heroes on their sixteenth birthdays. Shazana Pel Questpage, the spin-off series featuring the fierce outcast Pigeon-Warrioress with the attitude problem. The Heart of Darkness, Visionary's epic quest to save his life, his friends, and the world from an alarming queue of menaces; a series by Visionary, Dancer, and the Hooded Hood.
Early Parodyverse Pictures Images of and by the founders of the Parodyverse site. Visionary's Gallery, samples of the work of our finest artist. Dancer's Gallery, a collection of the artwork of Sarah Shepherdson. AG's Parodyverse Micro-Heroes assembles the images of Parodyverse characters.Tobias Ranchburger's Micro-Heroes Site contains links to images of the characters from the Librarian's tales.