Dancer’s Diner

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Hi folks!

Once upon a time there was a silly place called the Parodyverse, which was a mixed-up version of every comic-book ever published, and which people write stories about to make other people laugh. You can go and see them now, on the superhero humour shared fictional universe on a message board called The Parodyverse. Go on. I’ll wait.

Here’s a collection of some of those silly stories and pictures my friends and I did. You might want to know who everybody is, so take a look at The Hooded Hood’s Who’s Who, or at Troia’s Links Page.

Also, if you want to know more about the Probability Dancer, the principal character in the stories on these pages any my fictional alter ago, you need to look at The Dancers Factspage.

When you’re ready, just follow one of the links here (above or below) to find the Dancer material!


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Visit The Hooded Hood's Homepage of Doom for lots more Parodyverse material.


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